Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Lazy Dazy Afternoon

Ahhh, the midwest. I don't think I could ever live somewhere that doesn't have the season changes. Today is no exception. It's gray and it's chilly and I love it. Tomorrow it will be 80 and sunny. Where else can you have such extremes? I'm on day 7 of my surgery recovery and this laying in bed with the foot elevated thing is getting realllly old. My nationality consists of Norweigan and German. Translation - laid back but extremely stubborn. I WANT to be up. I WANT to be doing things. I do NOT want to be laying in bed, feeling the lovely brownie that I had with lunch settling on to my hips. Though, on the flip side, it IS rather nice to have the children and hubby catering to me. No, no........What am I saying? I think every mom has a daydream that entails being waited on UNTIL it actually happens. This is how my past days have gone:

Hear large crash

Me: What was that?

Daughter: What?

Me: I SAID what was that?

Daughter: I can't hear you. What?


Son: Why are you yelling?

Me: Huh? Because your sister said you can't hear me. What was that crash?

Son: Oh. I don't know. I will go check.

Tick, tick, tick, tick.

Me: Hello? Hello?

No answer. Imagination left to run wild. I have to say that recovering is not as relaxing as one would hope.